stat counnnter

Monday, February 05, 2018

More thoughts on 2018 SOTU

One of the things that surprised me about the Democrat's reaction to President Trumps SOTU speech was the complete lack of approval or respect for the fact that black unemployment was at an all time low. You would think they would applaud such news. They didn't.

 I saw two members of the Congressional Black Caucus mildly and briefly applaud while sitting. This tells me that most of the Caucus really does not care about the welfare of blacks as such. But only about loyalty to the Democrat Party line.

Another thing I saw was one Democrat Senator briefly stand to applaud one of Mr Trump's achievements only to quickly sit back down when he noticed Sen Schumer was looking at him stoically. This is seriously troubling.

Now I believe there are honest people in the Democrat Party who would be willing to recognize and support truth when they see it. But they are intimidated by the partisan hardliners in the Party leadership.

This reminds me of the behavior of totalitarian regimes like communist China and Soviet Russia as well as Nazi Germany. Whenever a party officer said anything to another citizen it was received as gospel. You did not question or depart in any way from the Party line.

 It is this lust for totalitarian control I saw on display by the Democrats during the SOTU. No Democrat was allowed to grant any respect or acknowledgement to anything Mr Trump said regardless of how much citizens benefited.

It was as if they were saying in unison "We don't care how much Donald Trump seems to be  benefiting Americans. He isn't. We know what is good for them and Trump is preventing us from bestowing that goodness on them. He has no business letting them keep more of their money. We need that money in order to care and provide for them."

I had the thought that the Democrats actually wanted the cameras focused on them in order to show their hatred for those who voted for Trump, as if to say "This is what we think of you voting for him."

It's obvious to me that the Democratic Party has allowed itself to be corrupted by the lust for power, the power of control. They thought they were about to get their socialist utopia with Hillary as their president.

The groundwork for that utopia has already been laid. President Obama had no problem forcing citizens to purchase his idea of health insurance and fining them for disobedience, which is exactly what dictators do. The Party leadership hailed it. Not one republican voted for it.

When you consider the disrespect for life in Hillary's "What difference at this point does it make?" and AG Loretta Lynch's meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac while Hillary was under investigation, and Comey's in-your-face dishonesty changing Hillary's crime from gross negligence to extreme carelessness, and the DNC's funding of the fake Dossier and on and on, there is no doubt that Americans will have hell to pay the next time Democrats regain all three branches of government.

The Party's contempt for the Constitution and the American people is on display for all to see. My biggest fear is that President Trump's inability to think and talk in terms of fundamental principles will give the Democrats and the MSM another chance at total control. America is not suffering from bad deals, but from bad philosophic premises.

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