stat counnnter

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Why the unceasing push to oust President Trump. Part 1.

Since president Trump's election what we've been seeing in the media and the Democrat party is a total revolt against him personally. Trump was elected legally by winning more electoral votes than Hillary just as our Constitution requires.

But this legal election was and still is unacceptable to the entire Democrat Party leadership. Even though Democrats have always considered Republican presidential wins a disaster for their party, they nevertheless abided by the outcome and focused on the next election.

Not this time.

So what is it  the Democrats are afraid of? Why can't they wait until the next election whether it be 4 or 8 years? Why does Trump need to be so feverishly ousted now"

Could it be because they were so close to cementing their socialist dictatorship with Hillary as leader that they now think they may never be this close again?  After all, president Obama had spent 8 years conditioning  the American people to a new, more austere normal of 2% or less GDP growth and  weakening our military and strengthening our enemies. The population was being conditioned to accept the Progressives' 'tough love' As Sen Dianne Feinstein once put it.

Or could it be the fear that the American people are rejecting their socialist ideology and must not be allowed to make that choice again by reelecting Trump to a second term? I think this is definitely a big part of it.

These Democrats seem to be focused on the expediency of the immediate moment with "impeach him by any means necessary" while ignoring long range consequences like losing future elections. It's what pragmatism has taught them and teaches students today.

Speaking about the nature of the concrete bound mentality novelist/philosopher Ayn Rand wrote:
"This kind of psycho-epistemology (concrete bound, unprincipled thinking-ME) works so long as no part of it is challenged. but all hell breaks lose when it is--because what is threatened then is not a particular idea, but that mind's whole structure. The hell ranges from fear to resentment to stubborn evasion to hostility to panic to malice to hatred."*
This is what we've been seeing since November 2016.

But why now and why is Nancy Pelosi all in for impeachment when she was originally against it? Again Rand explains"
"It is a conspiracy, not of men, but of basic premises--and the power directing it is logic: if, at the desperate stage of a losing battle, some men (Nadler, Schiff, et al-ME) point to a road logically necessitated by their basic premises, those who share those premises (Pelosi et al-ME) will rush to follow."**
So what premises are the Democrats following? We know the Democrat Party has been taken over by the Progressive movement which has no respect for American individualism but rather worships collectivism. It's the idea that the sovereign power lies with the state i.e. the government then the individual is the right-less subject of the state which is the voice of the people.

So the premises are 1, statism, all forms of authoritarianism, 2, pragmatism, the range of the moment to hell with consequences thinking, and 3, sacrifice, the surrender of values for the sake of surrendering them which means the government gets to force us to make the sacrifices it thinks we should make.

In closing I think the Democrats are making a mistake in thinking the Trump administration is diametrically opposed to their statist ideology. He isn't. He still thinks Eminent Domain is a good idea. He also thinks all America's problems are the result of irrational deals. What he does not understand is that all those deals that hurt American citizens are there by design. Its' what the Progressives want: the US population to be dependent on them for most everything.

* Pg 40 in Rand's essay The Missing Link in her book Philosophy: Who Needs It. still in print.

**Pg 103 in Rand's essay An Untitled Letter also in Philosophy: Who Needs It.

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