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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Lil' Round Up April 29th.

Gus Van Horn has a tale of two cities, 1900 Galveston Texas and 2005 New Orleans and the different work and life ethics of the citizens of each city. To me it shows clearly the difference in behavior of people who live in one context where self-reliance is expected and those who live in a context where it is not.


Lubos Motl has a post on the IPCC AR4 Working Group One and a link to the full text. I'm inclined to agree with Mr. Motl's evaluation of WG1. Steve McIntyre at Climate Audit posts on it as well.


L Graham Smith at Ecomyths reports on two stories in the Canadian press. It's the second one that interests me. It's about 39 sealing ships stuck in ice off Newfoundland. "Penney says these are the worst conditions he's seen in the last 15 years and have caused one of the most intensive coast guard rescue operations." I wonder if Al Gore gave one of his "Inconvenient Truth" presentations there recently causing the famous "Gore Effect."


The folks at Canadian blog The London Fog ask "When do trousers go for $65 million? When they belong to a lawyer." I wonder if he'd be that much of a stickler at doing taxes? Amy at Advice Goddess posts on this too.


Mike at Abandon Caution announces that Dr. Peikoff will be interviewed on Austin, Texas radio Monday evening April 30th and provides a link to the audio.


Nicholas Provenzo at Rule of reason reports on a Wapo business reporter who wants to cut down another tall poppy, Google, because their sheer size makes them a threat. An obvious case of hating the good for being the good.

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